Complete Streets Design: Creating Multimodal Streets in Retrofit Corridors

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This seminar provided planners and designers with an overview of geometric design principles in the 2017 TAC Geometric Design Guide for Canadian Roads (GDG) relating to complete streets. It  focused on multi-modal street design in urban environments  with an emphasis on determining modal priority, identifying and making design trade-offs using guidance from the GDG, and applying these approaches  to concrete examples. Cross sectional issues to design a complete street and how to deal with trade-offs in urban environments were also be presented.


  • Defining complete streets
  • Goals, objectives, and outcomes of complete street designs
  • Complete street-safe systems and universal design
  • Overview of the 2017 TAC GDG (chapters 1, 2, 4, 5, 6) and its multimodal complete streets, context-sensitive philosophy
  • Overview of MUTCDC signs and markings for active transportation
  • Case study projects – four different urban environment context projects will be presented for the same right-of-way, applying the TAC GDG (chapters 1 and 2) and complete street design process.
  • Breakout activities:
    - defining project goals, objectives, and scope
    - identifying street type (classification and land use context)
    - identifying modal priorities
  • Selecting design elements and making trade-offs
  • Bicycle facility selection guidance
  • Evaluating design options and confirming recommended design (Chapters 1, 4, 5, 6, 7)

Learning Objectives

  • Provide participants with an overview of key geometric design elements for multi-modal complete street design resulting from the 2017 TAC GDG.
  • Provide designers with concrete examples of the application of flexible design (design domain), design user requirements, and identifying and making trade-off decisions for the design of context-sensitive complete streets. 

Target Audience

Road designers (engineers, planners, urban designers, landscape architects) wishing to enhance their knowledge  and apply guidance from the 2017 TAC GDG to the design of multi-modal corridors,  particularly in identifying and making trade-off decisions in retrofit conditions. Significant participant interaction will be required.


Ryan Martinson, Associate, Stantec Consulting Ltd., Calgary
Ryan is a professional engineer in the transportation planning field who has been involved in various transportation engineering projects throughout his career. Past projects include transportation impact assessments, active and alternative modes assessments, transportation demand management programs, site optimization studies, parking studies, and numerous research projects. Ryan was a contributor to the bicycle integrated design and pedestrian integrated design chapters of the 2017 TAC GDG and has applied trade-offs processes to urban multimodal complete street design projects in many cities across Canada.

Josh Workman, Stantec Consulting Ltd., Calgary
Josh Workman has over nine years of experience in urban street planning and design. His expertise is in conceptual and detailed multi-modal street design, traffic simulation, multiple account evaluation, contract development, and corridor transportation planning. Josh excels in advising on multi-modal transportation design decisions in constrained urban environments, and draws from experience on a wide range of projects in Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Victoria, and Winnipeg. Most recently, Josh has been leading the development of urban integration requirements for The Green Line LRT in Calgary as well as providing project management for the implementation of two new Cycle Tracks in Calgary’s East Village. Josh is passionate about helping communities utilize multiple modes of transportation through implementation of their long range transportation plans.


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